Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

September 30, 2004

on the bus from school to home today i noticed this woman carrying her infant child in her arms.
for the length of her journey, she kept looking down at her baby and half-smiling to herself.
sure it might sound creepy here but its the total opposite.
even though she didnt say anything to the baby she spoke volumes with her eyes and that smile.

i think she understood that what she had cradled in her arms was a miracle, her very own miracle.
it was an experience for me just watching her look down at her baby.

i cant wait to have kids of my own.
got all my results back. well most of it anyway; gp's still in the works.

really happy with my chem and math but dissapointed with the other two.
overall its a BBCD.

September 29, 2004

read this and this and oh this too
guaranteed to make you laugh.
well, maybe just a giggle, but anyway, do read.

September 28, 2004

just some stuff i came across while surfing.

don't act blur during a blackout! here's a list of activities to indulge in when being kept in the dark...

1. first, take off your sunglasses.

2. be subversive: leave the office without swiping out.

3. finally! walk around naked in your own flat without being worried about kaypoh neighbours reporting you to the police.

4. shout loudly out the window so everyone can hear, "and unless you pay me two million dollars, I wont bring back the sun!"

5. use flashlights to send morse code signals to the flat across from you.

6. use flashlights to have low budget lightsabre battles with your family.

7. actually have a conversation with your family instead of just smsing them.

8. pick your nose and flick the boogers wherever you like.

9. hide in the corridor and make lots of ghostly moaning, groaning and 'woooooo' sounds.

10. endure grandpa gloatingly tell you how this sort of thing used to happen all the time back in the old days and how pampered you 'chewren' are 'nowsaday'?

11. make love to an ugly person.

12. continue doing assessment books by candlelight. what, you think blackout only, no need to study, ah?

13. engage in 'multi-level' marketing: go from floor to floor selling candles and flashlights to desperate neighbours.

14. fold sheets of paper into fans and start selling them to the air-con addicts in your estate.

15. wonder whether minister homes also kena this sort of thing.

16. blame the gahmen.

17. organize stevie wonder singalong sessions.

18. faster eat all the ice-cream in your freezer before it melts.

19. also better faster drink all the beer in your fridge before it gets warm.

20. after that, find a comfy place to stage a personal 'blackout' of your own.

courtesy of talkingcock.com
did you guys ever see the advertistment on this slimming centre?
wait silly me, there are 100s of such stupid advertistments, so let me help you along a bit.
its the one where this woman goes:

'my boyfriend said i look like i bouncer. so i lost 22 kg.'


why is this bitch so stupid?
if your boyfriend said that youre body looks like some bouncer, you dump him.
you dont lose 22 kg for a fucker that cannot appreciate you beyond the fats, cellulite...

September 26, 2004

travelling with parents, to do or not to do.

mum recently mentioned that somewhere in december, we're going to some snowy place in india. kashmir? i dont exactly know where it is, but i definitely was not up for it.
i protested, near violently.
why? simple. every holiday i've been with my parents is like a torture camp.

my parents are overprotective by nature. so can you imagine how horrible it is to travel abroad with them. i mean c'mon i'm freaking 18 for fuck's sake i can make my way back to the hotel in one piece, leave me alone.
the whole point of a holiday is to have fun, rest and relax. how am i suppose to do that with parents like this? especially my mum.

if you guys remember i went to korea last year, and that too wasnt willingly.
i was forced into going, i had no say what so ever.
and so, just to please my mum, i told her, 'fine i'll go but this is the last time i'm ever going far far far away from s'pore with you guys.'
and now she wants to drag me along to this stupid hellhole in india.
even if it were new zealand (currently the place i really am dying to go) i would say no because i wouldnt be able to enjoy myself.

parents, well mine at least, just prevent me from having fun. they do what they wanna do and even when its plain boring, like visitin a chestnut plantation, (i mean really, why they hell would i want to travel thousands of miles look at chestnuts?) they will still adamantly admit that they are having fun. and that irritates beyond measure.

i rather go abroad by myself or with friends.
no tours, no restrictions, no fake crap and no parents.
just you, what you plan to do for the whole trip and better company.

so now i'm trying my best to worm my way out of this stupid trip.
so today was mum's birthday.
the 3 of us, sis bro and me, bought her a cake and some lipstick she said she wanted.
i sure as hell didnt know what the hell she was talking about when she specified the type; at least sis understood. (women have too many things).
so all i did was follow sis to tampines mall, helped, barely, in colour choosing, payed for the stick and bought the cake.
came home and did all there was to do for the usual cake-cutting ceremony in a birthday.

personally, i hate it when people sing the happy birthday song to me.
i'll just be standing there, armed with the knife to cut the cake, looking really stupid while everyone sings the song.
then i'll try to sing along and realise that i dunno what to say when the part to fill in the name comes:
'happy birthday to... erm... kishan? me? butthead?'

and so i stop and proceed to the being stupid while standing bit.

heard that, on top of physics, math and bio will also be given out tomorrow.
oh joy...

September 25, 2004

lets review what i did today.

woke up, played diablo II, ate, played, surfed the net, wanted to look through tys but resisted (lol, at this point i like to state that i am no geek, i repeat i am no geek. heard that cassie!), played some more, watched tv, surfed, exercise, surfed, ate, surfing.

what a fufilling day.

kit you woman, we were suppose to go drinking and you know what? i'm still sober!
as mel would put it, grrr...
i am bored.
bored bored bored bored bored.

September 24, 2004

are people who try to kill themselves brave or cowards?

if the above statement seems familiar its because i took it from the random thoughts blogpost posted a few days ago.
no one really commented on this thought, but i think its an interesting question.

it takes guts to pull the trigger on yourself or to slit your wrists (god, the blood itself would make me nauseous) or to even pop yourself with so many pills knowing full well that you wont ever wake up.
then again, its ridiculous to run away from your problems and not face them like what youre suppose to do. its even stupid to take your own life cos of these damn problems.

i know the fact that i've never been in this situation gives me no right to judge the act of taking your own life or the people that do it.
but i do feel that even though it is generally an act of cowardice, these people are brave lot. the fact that they are able to actually end their life is just so gutsy.
but this is just me speaking.

your turn.

went to town with mel today to hang out and to get the previous mentioned tys-es.
bought books, walked, drank stuff at pacific coffee, talked.
just reached home; mel went to school for drama.

went i got off at simei, i went to buy noodles for dinner, plus i was famished.
on the walk back i (foolishly) decided to slam the bag of noodles on my back to see just how much force it could take.
i know i know, i'm dumb.
you probably guessed how this is going to end.
the contents spilled all over the sidewalk.
i looked around, (thankfully) saw no one, quickly kicked it onto a grass patch and prayed that saphrophytic organisms and decomposition would destroy all evidence of such a stupid act.

so now i'm serving my punishment; i'm having cup noodles.
saw the terminal.
it's a really good show.
it has everything.
spielberg is brilliant. tom hanks is a really good actor.
he didnt have many lines but the way he expressed himself was fantastic.
plus there was even eye candy; catherine zeta jones is hot.
you guys should go and catch this, and look out for the patio scence. the people in the cinema actually clapped. lol.

it gets 4 outta 5.

September 23, 2004

my prelims are officially over.
thank god thats over and done with.
for now its just rest, relax and enjoy; nothing to do with school at all.

i'm buying my tys-es tomorrow.
okay, paper 5 down and paper 0 left to go.
i know i'm either gonna fail or barely pass for s whether i study or not, so i'm not gonna study.
pointless endaevour.

going out with kit to watch the terminal later.

September 22, 2004

wanted to whine about the careless mistakes i made in my math paper but thought, nah.
too depressing thought in itself already.

i was supposed to go jogging earlier today but guess what happened?
i fell asleep, kinda just got up.
i feel like melvyn.

exams are technically over.
all thats left tomorrow is phy 5 and phy 0.
dont feel like studying no more.
cant wait for tomorrow to end.
would you gals date/marry a guy thats maybe your age or even older but has a lower education level than you and would you guys put up with a gal that's smarter than yourself?

does level of education matter when it comes to love?
does it play a big role during courtship and does it affect your relationship once youve tied the knot?
will the guys ego be a big deal in the relationship and will gals take this into consideration?
will gals pause their climb up the coporate ladder just to save the guys ego and do guys really want that?
or is this issue overrated and has no effect on modern society due to the continually dynamic roles of females and males in the world today?
faith: labels, labels, labels. thats all i get from you gay people. everyone must fit into your categories, your little boxes. Butch, femme, straight-acting, top, bottom... all little boxes. well, excuse me honey, but i'm not going to live in any box let alone a little one. boys and girls welcome to the age of pansexuality.

faith exits stage to bedroom.

sulin: what exactly is pansexuality?

su: i think its fuck anything that moves.

faith (from offstage): i heard that!

marti gras.

September 21, 2004

went out with daph today.
had sushi! it hit the spot good man.
man i missed her so much, it was good to see her again.
had good food, good company and good topic of discussion. lol.
cant wait to see her again on reena's birthday celebration which is either on the 1st or 2nd of october.
so kit and mel take note of the celebration date and help me think of stuff to do besides eat.

random thoughts:

was darwin ever insensitive at a fueral? 'its okay jameson (random name). youre wife displayed a selective disadvantage and nature just couldnt keep her 'round no more. so i'll give you a minute to freshen up, then we can make our way for some pints before we take a second look at those darlin' finches.'

why are you where you are and why are you doing what youre doing?

what exactly is the point of pubic hair? and do some people deserve it?

how can couples feel comfortable when they wear clothes of the same colour and, god help me, near same design? if i were the guy, i'll just look beside me and scream.

how can girls spend so long in the god damn loo? i mean its at best a 4 by 3 hellhole (i'm being generous by the way). sheesh. get out already.

why does your voice sounds so different on the phone and on the mic compare to real life? its like youre speaking into it and you go, 'wait, who was that?'

why is love something that everybody wants to fall into when it can just blend you right into pulp and spit you back out like a used gum?

why do guys get morning hardons? they can be a pain sometimes.

why are geeks and nerds the way they are? why do thety think that books, thick books mind you, on quantum mechanics are interesting? can you say boobs?

who came up with the word blowjob when there definitely aint no blowing involved?

would you like yourself if you were to meet your exact twin, character and all?

why issit tt ppl smts type like dis, usin shrt frms, makin life diff for u n i?

why is flirting sometimes irritating to watch but kick-ass fun to do?

when is this going to end? soon i promise.

why is it that when people say that they understand we immediately jump to the conlcusion that they dont and that they do not know what we are going through when in acutal fact fact might?

why must parents automatically be respected? repect begets respect; earn it as i will earn mine.

why do tits perk up in the cold? is it similar to your hair standing on its ends? and how cold is cold? oh well, i'll guess it'll be one of those things i just have to enjoy without knowing why. no complains though, lol.

why are there deciduous plants in forever-summer singapore?

who was the freak who started eating insects, leading to the unfathomable craz for fried grasshoppers, cooked flies and such? a big big ew.

why do gals get so irked out when they find out that their guy friends masterbate? take it in, accept it and move on.

are people who try to kill themselves brave or cowards?

why do we constantly wish for something more ideal when we know that it is impossible to have?

why do you talk to yourself? stop before someone sees you.

September 20, 2004

todays the first of many.
its not going to be the same again.
die hards would know what i'm talking about already.
if you dont, slap yourself silly.
the ten o'clock slot is now not a time to look forward too anymore.

the withdrawal symptoms are kicking in.

September 19, 2004

my dad recently found out that one of his friends wife died. not long ago, another one of his band mates met with the same fate.
kinda like a double blow.

it got me thinking (lol. yall' must be sick of hearing me think by now). how will i feel when i'm at an age where i start seeing my friends face in the orbituaries more often then i do at say the mall?
its scary yet surreal.
you feel like youre one of those figures that cops at shooting range shoot at, only its the proverbial death with the black cloak and the overrated scythe testing out its latest firing equipment, and youre looking down the row, counting down to when youre next.
its not a nice position to be in and it puts everything into perspective, one i feel i could have done without.

September 18, 2004

my family's loony.

says my sis after supper:

sis: why do you wanna go home? we're going to the supermarket. we can buy things. it'll be fun.
me: (looked and her, sniggered) you're well on your way.

mum on the year 2003 and her concept of time:

mum: 2003? wah, thats so long ago.
me: (looked at her to check if she was joking. she was not.)
kits post on embarrassing childhood moments is ace man. i thought it was really funny and strangely informative.
i wanted to do something like that; a 10 things you didnt know about me thing, or something to that effect. but now everyone's gonna think i copied off the airhe... i mean kit. lol.
(my image will be forever destroyed).
plus i really cant think of 10 things.
i may reduce it to 8 or something.
a notice (word for word) outside a place in katong:

'no urinening and shitting in the sales gallery.'

besides the really bad english, one has to wonder what made the owners put it up in the first place.

man i love bad signs/notices. they're hilarious.

here's a picture i found. lol. need i elaborate? Posted by Hello
i'm sure many of you are aware of the plans to built a casino somewhere in singapore.
i've read some rather disturbing atricles on the forum pertaining to this topic.
one was from a concerned mother who was unfortunate enough to have parents who got hooked on the dice.

says she,
'the thought of a casino being set up in Singapore makes me very sad. Why a casino? My mother used to gamble incessantly, leaving my three siblings and me in the care of an elderly maid. She wiped out all our savings to feed her addiction...
'at one stage, when she was on a winning streak, she went to Genting in a helicopter every day...
'My parents are now divorced and the four of us carry the scars of a broken family...

that was sure an awakening for me in a way.
another one was from this chairman, habitat for humanity s'pore (i have no idea what that is).

he was recounting what he heard some middle aged s'poreans said as he took the ferry back to s'pore from batam one night.
apparently these middle aged folk visited the casino.

says he,
'2 women who sat beside me were conversing in cantonese, complaining non-stop about how they had lost money at the casino. one of them said that it was time for her to visit her son, so that he could give her some pocket money...
'a man behind me, who earned only a couple of thousand dollars a month, told his friend he had lost $900...

the first comment by the two women is particularly disturbing. i mean talk about being fucking responsible. i would be furious if my mother did that to me. i wouldnt give her a single cent.
and to genting on a helicoter everyday!?
talk about putting the money to good use. plus she has four kids!

this casino thing has serious social implications and we cannot just sweep the possible repercussions away.
sure we are still a conservative nation (and just to note, i am sick of that) but i dont think that us being conservative is the major reason for upset amongst the masses about this.
i'm not saying that everyone will get hooked, but there are people who may get addicted (and bad) and the fact that now a casino is on the island and people do not need to ferry themselves out is not exactly helping the addicts, if you get my drift.

the main point of this is to make s'pore more interesting to tourists.
we are basically giving them another outlet to throw their cash away, and hopefully the nation can benefit from increase revenue. with the nation prospering economically, its citizens can enjoy more monetary benefits and maybe, just maybe, tax will be lowered.
at least that's what they tell us.
but how can we enjoy these probable benefits when we know that there can be really bad impacts on society itself.

i rather keep society then have those benefits.

September 17, 2004

9 papers down.
6 more to go.
1 more week left.
kit we seriously need to go drinking after the exams k?
or i'm just gonna haul your ass out and pump us full of vodka anyway.
: )

September 16, 2004

go read this blogpost by a blogger called the seeker.
i thought it was really powerful, as one reader commented.
tell me what you think if you bother.
last night i watched a really cool show.
it was titled, 'the st francisville experiment'. the cool name was the only reason i stayed on till 1am to watch the show.
it was one of those ghost hunting shows where they pick a group of people to go into some hauted area for the whole night to record whatever they may encounter.
in this show, it was a group of four, 2 guys and 2 gals, and they were to spend the night in st francisville, a really really really haunted mansion in the us.

the group was the weirdest group that they could that ever pick.
one gal was a psychic, and she kept talking to the house and kept saying that they were surrounded by 'white light' and were protected. lol. i thought it was kinda funny.
apperently so did the guys cos they kept sniggering and stuff.
the other gal was a history major, a blond history major, if you get my drift.
the only thing good about her was her boobs.
one of the guys was the team leader and he was just your average guy.
the other one was a synical student. he was the one with the camera.
he kept being synical about everything. it was really funny.
i didnt know if i should laugh or just be plain freaked at the stuff he was witnessing.

it got me thinking, if i were given the opportunity to do something like this, would i?
i mean its freakishly cool to go into one of those hotspots for paranormal activity and actually see some of the stuff that goes on. i mean how often to you get to chase ghosts and hopefully, live to tell about it.
on the other hand what if something happens? i mean we know only so much about these things and well what if they are violent and what if they follow us home and stuff.
i sure as hell wouldnt want something malevolent tailing my behind.
but i think i'd do it.
sure i'd be freaked and might actually risk crapping in my pants but like i said before, how often do you actually get the chance to chase ghosts and put all your doubts to rest?
so yea, i'd do it.
wouldnt you?

September 15, 2004

found out stuff about my parents this week.
my mum is totally paranoid about every little thing and my dad prides in being smarter than his kids.

for those who have read the earlier posts, you would already know about the stupid thing i did this morning.
(yes the going-to-school-bright-and-early incident).
between the horrible conditions of the library and the walking around aimlessly bit, i decided to go back home and then come back later at the correct time for my paper.
when i got back, my mother made a huge deal of me getting the time wrong.
she made up silly situations and a lot of what-ifs.
paranoid's the word.

now here's the deal with my dad.
there was something wrong with the tv and so i attempted to fix it.
all i had to do was reset the channels and search for the correct frequency, but i couldnt do it.
i searched and searched but i just couldnt find the correct frequency.
so i gave up and daddy dearest took over.

he found it in a matter of minutes.
though it was subtle, you could just tell that he was extremely proud of himself haveing found it when i couldnt.
i though it was really childish but i decided to give him an ego boost. (considering that he's almost 50 and hasnt experienced a mid-life crisis, i guess he deserved it. *throws dad a cookie*. lol).
so i just stood there while he explained how he got it right, leaving out no details.
it reminded me so much of how guys go fishing and come back telling everyone about the one that got away.

notice outside the library:

attention all students, the air conditioning has broken down.
we are doing our best to get the problem fixed.
for now, students can still enter the library to make use of the services provided, if you do not mind the discomfort; ie the stifling heat, the stale air etc.

lol. i laughed out loud the moment i read it.
the librarian's either drunk or the heat has gotten to her.
i'm an idiot.
my paper was scheduled to start at 1300hrs and guess what time i came to school?
7 bloody fucking am.
why am i so stupid?
and now i'm in the library, where the air-conditioning broke down (great timing wouldnt you say), trying my darndest to pass the time.
i am seriously bored.
think i'll just head on home soon and come back later.
stupid stupid stupid.

September 14, 2004

in the midst of the (goddamn, stress-inducing, useless, good-for-nothing) prelims.
i am in dire need of rest or some r and r.
i just need to get tomorrow over and done with and i'll feel much better.
darn paper qualifications.
friends ended.
it was painful to watch, not because the episode, sadly, left much to be desired, but because i knew full well that next week, at the same time and same channel, the 6 people that i've come to know and love will not be on my tv screen.
its just irritating.
why did they have to end it? i mean isnt everyone (actors, producers, writers... everyone) happy that the show is doing a phenomenal job? arent they glad that they are making money? dont they want more?
this is sickening.
i knew i would get affected, i just knew it.
no matter how much i understand that shit does hit the fan sometimes, i still wish it didnt have to end.
why did shit have to hit this fan?
says jennifer anniston on the final episode of friends, 'its like a necessary evil that has to happen'.
i couldnt agree more.

September 12, 2004

you know, when i'm old enough and have some spare cash, i'm gonna go to some small town abroad and just live there, for like a couple of months or something.
its just to be in the small town atmosphere, the everyone-knows-everyone kinda town.
where there's only one place to have coffee and where people actually greet you when you enter the store.
a place with lots and lots of trees so it just looks postcard perfect during fall.
how wonderful is that?
had my hair cut today.
think its a tad too short but whatever i guess.
its gonna grow back.

anyway, today at the barbers, i was unfortunate enough to get a talkative barber.
i'm sure youve been in situations where the other party just keeps on yapping and yapping and you dont really want to be on the receiving end of the conversation but you cant blow the person off because its rude and stuff.
another good example are talkative cab drivers.
why is it that they're suddenly so interested to know your age, or what school you go to, or what you think about about certain shows or worse, politics.
you cant even relax.
i mean sometimes you just wanna shout, 'shut up and just do your job. i'm not paying you to be an entertainer on the side. just drive/cut!'

September 11, 2004

tribute to 9/11 Posted by Hello
cassie and kit had this girls day out and they took some pictures of themselves all dolled up.
kit looked different, i mean i havent actually seen her that way. heh.
i didnt recognise her at first. but she looks good.
cassie looked hot as hell. lol.

guys like me are sure glad that gals have days out like those. ; )

September 10, 2004

had a dream one of those nights when i was sick.
in this dream i was a contestant in singapore idol.
and the song i was about to sing on stage was its a small world.
lol, i know.
but i forgot the lyrics right before going on stage and so i just sang crap.
but the audience loved it. lol.
it was the dumbest dream.
today was like every other day this one week break.
woke up, study, eat, study, study, sleep, study.
i really need to get the prelims over and done with.
i'm so sick of my notes.
i need to enjoy my life.
i'm 18 goddammit, full of energy and testosterone.
when in my life am i ever going to be like this again?
stupid stupid stupid education system.

September 09, 2004

i'm all better now, cept for one hell of a cough.
but i still cant taste what i'm eating.

September 05, 2004

i feel lethargic.
i'm neither sick nor well.
i'm in limbo.

read dan brown's the da vinci code.
they should make this into a movie.
then again, public response will be a big deal considering the controversy surrounding the main issue.
it'll be like the passion of the christ all over again, maybe worse.

but you've gotta think.
what if it's the truth? a huge cover up by the church.
we'll all be living a huge lie, only we'll believe that its the truth.
so i guess it wont make much of a difference for those who are ignorant.
but what about those with power, the ones that fooled the world?

click here and browse through the comments for the answer to what is skin flute.
well done kit.
airhead or not, youre the only one who got this right.

well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
when you think everything's okay and everything's going right
and life has a funny way of helping you out when
you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
in your face

alanis morissette - ironic

September 04, 2004

i was watching cartoons just now (stop your sniggering) and something hit me.
when cartoon characters, like batman and robin, are in peril or some life threatening danger, why do they speak like they have to tell people that they are in obvious harm?

egs. cant move... must reach for belt...
cant breathe... must open window...

get what i mean?
truthfully i found it a little irritating and redundant.
its just not necessary.
just shut up, conserve your energy and get the fuck out of harms way.
stupid cartoon characters.

cant blog... brain giving up on me...
yesterday i woke up and took my temperature again.
it was an astounding 39.5.
of course i went to the doctors.
apparently i have a throat infection on top of the fever and cold.
got some antibiotics, flu meds, cough syrup and fever tablets (which i found out is exactly like panadol).
my appetite was basically nonexsistent. all i had yesterday was a piece of bread and no more that 20 tablespoons of porridge.
today i feel much better. body aching, but still much better.
my appetite has returned, slightly.
hopefully i'll be all better by tomorrow.

September 02, 2004

okay its official, i'm sick.
and i'm irritated.
i took my temperature 3 times for accuracy, and guess what i found out?
i'm either boiling like polly's kettle or themometers are sickeningly inaccurate.
first reading was 37.7, next 37.9, then 38.1.
what is wrong with this fucking piece of crap?
so much for technology making our life more simple eh?
so i decided to take the average (37.9) and retake the three readings later.
it had better not screw up again.

also, tomorrow is like my day out with kit.
we planned this like beginning of this week or something and now i'm sick.
well isnt that just la di da.
i so need this break from all the goddamn studying.
please please please please let me be fine, or at least better, by tomorrow.

i already had a 2 panadols, cough syrup (a lot by the way), pills for inflammation and (get this) a cup of bird nest and ginseng.
can anyone say desparate?
just got home and chem prac wasnt that bad, except for one little thing.
lol, just when you thought i made it unscathed.
there were 5 given solution, one of which was ammonia. we were suppose to peform chem tests to deduce the nature of each.
so i decided on a short cut, since i didnt want to do the tests on all 5, a real waste of time.
so i dipped my fingers into all 5 and 2 were soapy (ie. either sodium hydroxide or ammonia).
so to distinguish the two, you basically just sniff and look out for the pungent smell of ammonia.
so i lifted one up to my nostrils and took a whiff.
i either underestimated the concentration of ammonia or i took one hell of a whiff.
the smell was so strong that i cringed and was immobalised for 30 sec at least.
it was horrible.
for the rest of the prac i just felt sick.
i could still smell the ammonia.
see i knew something would happen. i'm jinxed.
anyway, now i think i'm falling ill. no its not because of the ammonia of anything.
my sis has been ill for over a week and well i think i got it.
popped a panadol just now, hope it'll help, but i'm doubtful.
great, just what i need when the prelims are around the corner.
why havent you people guessed what a skin flute is?
do the words 'entertain me' mean anything to you?

all i'm askin for is a simple guess.

September 01, 2004

tomorrow's chem prac, the last of the practicals.
i hope nothing blunders up.
i have to explain.
for every major chem prac test i've sat for, i've always screwed it up.
but no, not it terms of getting the wrong answers or anything, but more like, 'careful, be careful', splash!
for ex, in the o levels, i spilled god-knows-what on my paper and after a while, the whole thing changed into this ugly brown colour, rendering everything i've written nearly illegible.
thank god it only happened on the first page and none of it soaked through.
well come to think of it, that was the only time something like that happened, but it was a bitch to handle nonetheless.
the problem is i have one too many butterfingers.
me in an environment full of glassware that seem to scream 'break me, break me' aint exactly ideal if you know what i mean.
also, i'm a major klutz in the lab.
a simple motion of me doing a 360 around my workspace can, and most probably, lead to some stupid accident.
its not only the breaking-the-glass sorta accidents.
once, i did a simple ninety degree turn and one of the legs of my chair fell off.
dont ask me how.
and the fact that i have only 2 and a half hours doesnt really help.
so ya, obviously i dont want shit to hit the fan tomorrow.
will keep you guys posted.

mel suggested putting up a tagboard.
for now, i'm really contented with the comments and may just keep it like that for the time being.
but who knows what i'll do, i may put one up later in the year.

today's teachers day. and i didnt even go to school yesterday for the celebration (which, i heard, was not that bad).
well at least i skipped aces. (aces = all children exercise simultaneously. sheesh. you would think they'd come up with a better less-degrading acronym).
i'll give bobbie her present tomorrow i guess, if i see her.
must remember to bring it along.

i love this song.
maroon 5, she will be loved.
its really sad.
if you ever get the chance to hear this, i suggest you do.

beauty queen of only eighteen
she had some trouble with herself
he was always there to help her
she always belonged to someone else
i drove for miles and miles
and wound up at your door
i've had you so many times but somehowI want more

i don't mind spending everyday
out on your corner in the pouring rain
look for the girl with the broken smile
ask her if she wants to stay awhile
and she will be loved
she will be loved

tap on my window knock on my door
i want to make you feel beautiful
i know I tend to get so insecure
it doesn't matter anymore
it's not always rainbows and butterflies
it's compromise that moves us along
my heart is full and my door's always open
you can come anytime you want

i don't mind spending everyday
out on your corner in the pouring rain
look for the girl with the broken smile
ask her if she wants to stay awhile
and she will be loved
she will be loved

i know where you hide
alone in your car
know all of the things that make you who you are
i know that goodbye means nothing at all
comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

tap on my window knock on my door
i want to make you feel beautiful
i don't mind spending everyday
out on your corner in the pouring rain
look for the girl with the broken smile
ask her if she wants to stay awhile
and she will be loved
and she will be loved
and she will be loved
and she will be loved

please don't try so hard to say goodbye
please don't try so hard to say goodbye

i don't mind spending everyday
out on your corner in the pouring rain
try so hard to say goodbye
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