Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

September 12, 2004

had my hair cut today.
think its a tad too short but whatever i guess.
its gonna grow back.

anyway, today at the barbers, i was unfortunate enough to get a talkative barber.
i'm sure youve been in situations where the other party just keeps on yapping and yapping and you dont really want to be on the receiving end of the conversation but you cant blow the person off because its rude and stuff.
another good example are talkative cab drivers.
why is it that they're suddenly so interested to know your age, or what school you go to, or what you think about about certain shows or worse, politics.
you cant even relax.
i mean sometimes you just wanna shout, 'shut up and just do your job. i'm not paying you to be an entertainer on the side. just drive/cut!'
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