Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

September 15, 2004

found out stuff about my parents this week.
my mum is totally paranoid about every little thing and my dad prides in being smarter than his kids.

for those who have read the earlier posts, you would already know about the stupid thing i did this morning.
(yes the going-to-school-bright-and-early incident).
between the horrible conditions of the library and the walking around aimlessly bit, i decided to go back home and then come back later at the correct time for my paper.
when i got back, my mother made a huge deal of me getting the time wrong.
she made up silly situations and a lot of what-ifs.
paranoid's the word.

now here's the deal with my dad.
there was something wrong with the tv and so i attempted to fix it.
all i had to do was reset the channels and search for the correct frequency, but i couldnt do it.
i searched and searched but i just couldnt find the correct frequency.
so i gave up and daddy dearest took over.

he found it in a matter of minutes.
though it was subtle, you could just tell that he was extremely proud of himself haveing found it when i couldnt.
i though it was really childish but i decided to give him an ego boost. (considering that he's almost 50 and hasnt experienced a mid-life crisis, i guess he deserved it. *throws dad a cookie*. lol).
so i just stood there while he explained how he got it right, leaving out no details.
it reminded me so much of how guys go fishing and come back telling everyone about the one that got away.

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