Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

September 26, 2004

travelling with parents, to do or not to do.

mum recently mentioned that somewhere in december, we're going to some snowy place in india. kashmir? i dont exactly know where it is, but i definitely was not up for it.
i protested, near violently.
why? simple. every holiday i've been with my parents is like a torture camp.

my parents are overprotective by nature. so can you imagine how horrible it is to travel abroad with them. i mean c'mon i'm freaking 18 for fuck's sake i can make my way back to the hotel in one piece, leave me alone.
the whole point of a holiday is to have fun, rest and relax. how am i suppose to do that with parents like this? especially my mum.

if you guys remember i went to korea last year, and that too wasnt willingly.
i was forced into going, i had no say what so ever.
and so, just to please my mum, i told her, 'fine i'll go but this is the last time i'm ever going far far far away from s'pore with you guys.'
and now she wants to drag me along to this stupid hellhole in india.
even if it were new zealand (currently the place i really am dying to go) i would say no because i wouldnt be able to enjoy myself.

parents, well mine at least, just prevent me from having fun. they do what they wanna do and even when its plain boring, like visitin a chestnut plantation, (i mean really, why they hell would i want to travel thousands of miles look at chestnuts?) they will still adamantly admit that they are having fun. and that irritates beyond measure.

i rather go abroad by myself or with friends.
no tours, no restrictions, no fake crap and no parents.
just you, what you plan to do for the whole trip and better company.

so now i'm trying my best to worm my way out of this stupid trip.
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