Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

June 27, 2004

read in a magazine that masturbating for women is shockingly easy.
one of the (many) forms is just to sit on a chair with on leg over the other and move their feet up and down.
yup its as simple as that.
so easy that they can do it in the office, during a meeting.

watch out all you women out there, i'm on to you.

June 22, 2004

mrs mei choo's comments on the canteen's culinary 'excellence':

'If you find half a cockroach in a bowl of noodles, you've got to wonder where the other half went.'

i laughed like crazy for some reason.

June 19, 2004

and just to clear the air and to save kit whatever bit of modesty she has left:

kit did not enjoy the kiss, secretly or otherwise. i repeat kit did not enjoy the kiss.
thank you.
the holidays have only one more week to em before they expire. ergh! i'm so irritated.
i mean they just came and left just like that.
i didnt even have time to enjoy the holidays. this is so stupid.
why are the exams after the holidays. i wanna enjoy! i wanna wake up and not have to study. i dont want life to pass me by. i wanna have fun!
why am i even studying? why do i even bother?
well that's easy to answer, i'm a nerd and i want to do well.
what is wrong with me! why cant i just fail and not be so disturbed by it! ah!
i wanna do fun things! like go out and sit and chat with friends at coffee houses.
sometimes i just feel that studying 4As is so pointless. i know i wont be able to make it into medical school. i mean c'mon its not a piece of cake, in fact its so tough that its not even comparible this cake!
i just wanna do biology and be done with it. after which enter nie and get prepared for the teaching life.
why am i even taking s paper? sheesh!
why? i'll tell you why.

my parents.

June 14, 2004

oh my god! i was reading through my blog posts and realised that i havent talked about harry potter 3!
this is pure sin.
so here i go...
the movie was fantastic! i thought it was much better than the first and second. i loved the darkness it had to it and the whole atmosphere is so much different than teh other two.
there were even familiar faces. the fat lady was dawn french from french and saunders and the male caretaker in the leaky cauldron was this fellow from the sketch show, a british comedy show. prof trelawney was also famous; a character from love actually.
harry is also all grown up like his otehr two friends and it was great to see em acting out the roles; these people have really matured.
i still love ron!
the show is also much more funny! the new albus is so like a naughty teenage boy. lol. i'm definitely going to watch the show again.
i hope that they sign on for the fifth sixth and seven cos it'll be so weird if they just change actors. it just wont be the same anymore, like home alone 3.
hope book 6 comes out soon!
went to the zoo (yes the zoo) yesterday. fully enjoyed myself.
i got chased by a territorial Ibeks (a kinda goat like thingy) which was allowed to roam free in this village like setting when i was trying to read some stuff, saw the most disgusting babboons with horrible diseased asses and totally weird looking dicks (which kit is now totally fascinated with, or afraid, cant really tell.), went to this encaged walk-in reptile house where three or so klomodo dragons were right there and we had to walk right pass them (totally freaky and a must try!), and was told by the zoo operator lady to have a zoorific day. lol.
by the way, the zoo has really made some improvements. for example the funny smell that the zoo has is no longer at the entrance. there are also better attractions.
but tammy is still there and apparently dying.
like i said, i really enjoyed myself. i kept making myself laugh. lol. got branded chadler again. heh.
dunno if that's really a good thing though.
went to fish and co next where (poor?) daph lost her first kiss to this cute (or so they say) waiter. it was all part of an elaborate b'day celebration that fish and co has every weekend.
we only expected a happy b'day song by the staff but noooooo thay had to make her go up and kiss someone. lol. not that i'm complaining. :)
again extremely enjoyable.
kit too was picked to get kissed by a guy. lol. i think she secretly enjoyed it! hahah. miss i-hate-men got kissed! its a strange world i tell ya.
was very tired at the end of the whole thing, reached home and snoozed.
still need to get daph's present and mail her card tomorrow.

June 10, 2004

camp is finally over! my duty as a president is finally done! i am free! yay
camp was good considering i slept only about 4 hours max in total for the two nights.
it was good fun, the night walk, the games, the pt that we made em do, all fun.
of course i had my bad times as well.
after iu night, reena brought me aside and she said she was really pissed at me and she started crying and all. she was upset because i wasnt there when she needed me the most ie when the rotaracters were 'talking to her' (drving her up the wall more like it).
anyway, i apologised (felt damn bad i tell you!) and alls well.
now we only have the interview to go to. its on saturday and we're goin to interview about 25 peeps. cant wait. gonna be fun! boss em around and be all strict and professional and stuff. heh.
after that we're (daph darius kit reena mel me) going to the zoo for daph's birthday! kinda lookin forward to that cos i havent been there in like ages.
so yup yup, i have a great week coming up.
if only i didnt have the exams.

June 02, 2004

i had my ns check up yesterday.
boy was it fun. (by the way, this is sarcasm)
i went in at 10 and didnt come out till 330. it was utterly horrible!
first was a photo taking fro god knows what reason. then i had to register and wait for about 40 minutes to take a urine test and my blood test.
(i had to pee on this coloured strip! lol. it was kinda funny).
the blood test was to check for G6PD, some kind of blood deficiency, or something like that.
next i had my dental check up. this is what the dentist said:

'one eight erupted, two eight erupted, three eight erupting, four eight not erupted. good'

how two erupted and one erupting counts as good i'll never understand (though i think its about wisdom teeth).
next had a really cool x ray of my teeth and chest. the teeth x ray was exceptionally interesting.
felt like i was in a sci-fi movie or something.
next went for a routine eye exam. simple stuff, reading chart, colured stuff, colour blindness test blah blah blah...
there was also this hearing test which was the best test i ever sat for! they put you in this sound proof box and make you wear a pair of headphones.
they then produce high pitched sounds through the headphone and you have to listen hard to tell if it came from the right or the left, then raise your corresponding hand.
the test took 20 seconds tops for me! lol. i could hear eveything.
and yet i still misinterpretate what people say sometimes. lol.
next was the horrible full body check up. they took your height weight blood pressure and then told you to take of your shirt while you wait to be called.
oh yea, it was freaking cold! it's like waiting for your turn in any hospital, only with 30 or so other bare bodied guys.
also had my ECG. that was frekin cool! they ask you to lie down and they put blue plastic suction cups thingy on you! lol. really fun stuff!
last part of the physical was the pull down your pants and cough bit. nothing much to say about that...
also took my shoes size for the army.
felt like i was going there already.
so after the physical,it was 12 plus and i headed to the mental part of the whole check up. unfrotunately they told me to come back at 2. great eh?
so i came back at 2 did the freakishly long test (i'm not kidding, it was unbearably long!), came out whacked and shagged and finally headed home.
took a cab by the way. i was so tired and drained.
and throughout the whole med checkup there were TVs everywhere showing films on how freat and fun and utterly exciting NS can be for men! sheesh.
like the check up wasnt enough.
the worst part is the tape kept replaying over and over again once it was done. so technically i saw the whole show for about 3 to 4 times.
all in all it was cool. i mean think of it this way, if i wasnt going to the army i wouldnt have done all those tests. heh.
real optimistic of me eh?
i sicken myself.
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