Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

June 14, 2004

went to the zoo (yes the zoo) yesterday. fully enjoyed myself.
i got chased by a territorial Ibeks (a kinda goat like thingy) which was allowed to roam free in this village like setting when i was trying to read some stuff, saw the most disgusting babboons with horrible diseased asses and totally weird looking dicks (which kit is now totally fascinated with, or afraid, cant really tell.), went to this encaged walk-in reptile house where three or so klomodo dragons were right there and we had to walk right pass them (totally freaky and a must try!), and was told by the zoo operator lady to have a zoorific day. lol.
by the way, the zoo has really made some improvements. for example the funny smell that the zoo has is no longer at the entrance. there are also better attractions.
but tammy is still there and apparently dying.
like i said, i really enjoyed myself. i kept making myself laugh. lol. got branded chadler again. heh.
dunno if that's really a good thing though.
went to fish and co next where (poor?) daph lost her first kiss to this cute (or so they say) waiter. it was all part of an elaborate b'day celebration that fish and co has every weekend.
we only expected a happy b'day song by the staff but noooooo thay had to make her go up and kiss someone. lol. not that i'm complaining. :)
again extremely enjoyable.
kit too was picked to get kissed by a guy. lol. i think she secretly enjoyed it! hahah. miss i-hate-men got kissed! its a strange world i tell ya.
was very tired at the end of the whole thing, reached home and snoozed.
still need to get daph's present and mail her card tomorrow.
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