Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

June 19, 2004

the holidays have only one more week to em before they expire. ergh! i'm so irritated.
i mean they just came and left just like that.
i didnt even have time to enjoy the holidays. this is so stupid.
why are the exams after the holidays. i wanna enjoy! i wanna wake up and not have to study. i dont want life to pass me by. i wanna have fun!
why am i even studying? why do i even bother?
well that's easy to answer, i'm a nerd and i want to do well.
what is wrong with me! why cant i just fail and not be so disturbed by it! ah!
i wanna do fun things! like go out and sit and chat with friends at coffee houses.
sometimes i just feel that studying 4As is so pointless. i know i wont be able to make it into medical school. i mean c'mon its not a piece of cake, in fact its so tough that its not even comparible this cake!
i just wanna do biology and be done with it. after which enter nie and get prepared for the teaching life.
why am i even taking s paper? sheesh!
why? i'll tell you why.

my parents.

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