while flipping through todays paper, i found a rather interesting article in the world section about couples flocking to the states to choose the sex of their baby. in life, there was also another related article; about a 'genius sperm bank' founded in the 1970s by robert graham 'who dreamed of saving humanity using the sperm of geniuses'.
eugenics is defined as 'a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention'. the forms of intervention may vary from something as beneficial like gene therapy to some more drastic like the holocaust, which undoubtedly gave eugenics a
really bad name during the post-nazi period.
even though the latter more drastic example of eugenics is no longer seen today (not in the open at least), this philosophy is here to stay and it is definitely finding more ways to express itself with the advent of technology and genetic engineering.
this new found power did help in the curbing of certain diseases in countries all around the world. china passed a law in '94 which prevented those with genetic or mental diseases from marrying and having children. in cyprus, a similar regiment existed to reduce the incidence of thalassemia. in israel, if a baby is diagnosed with tay-sachs disease (which is prevalent among the eastern european jewish) during a pre-natal exam, it is aborted. matches between couples who are carriers of the tay-sachs gene were usually also broken off. the list goes on.
this may seem harsh, disallowing people their right to marry whoever they like or their right to have a baby, but i believe that it is for the better. a child with tay-sachs disease becomes blind, deaf and loses the ability to swallow. mental and physical paralysis sets in and death usually hits before the child reaches the age of 5. would you want your kid to go through that? would you want to
watch your kid go through that?
but, as is usually the case, technology moves faster than anyone of us can keep up with. with endeavours like the human genome project, the once fantastic idea of designer babies seem to be crossing the fantasy-reality barrier. as mention in todays papers, if you've got the cash you can fly over to the us and get yourself a newborn baby boy or girl, your choice. so what's next? eye colour? height? a chiselled nose?
but nope, physical characteristics isnt the end of it. want a baby with high iq? one who doesnt like to take risks? one who is less promiscuous? one who is less violent? the possibility is endless really. you can have just about any type of baby you want. freaky no?
where is the line drawn? i'm all for eugenics helping people prevent certain diseases and having healthy children but designing your newborn like michelangelo did david? thats just against nature. we dont have the right to throw away kids who dont have good features or even if they tend to be tempremental. having a temper is not an illness, neither is looking ugly (thats just unfortunate). personally, choosing your baby's sex itself is just wrong. so what if asians prefer boys and canadians prefer girls? the sex that i am is not a disease.
besides who decides what is a disease and what is a trait? with our colourful display of many different cultures and the complicated human genome, there is no common groud for deciding what is desirable and what is not. in some cultures it is better to be tall but in others short or average-height people are more culturally accepted. also with extreme eugenics we are drastically reducing our gene pool, leading to a loss of genetic diversity and this might, ironically, increase our vulnerability to diseases.
and to genetically engineer a child who will probably have a high iq or some other quality like good technical skills (with good and proper upbringing of course. genetics alone dont play a part in making geniuses. at least there is no proof that it does) is just plain unfair. imagine that a community of smart kids are designed, just like what robert graham (mentioned in paragraph 1) intended to do with the founding of genius sperm bank. if these smart kids want to have smart children of their own, they'd probably marry their own kind. and after many generation you'd see a distinct gap of smart people who have that extra advantage and normal people who are just normal. of course this is a really general example but you get the drift.
dont you think its just like us humans to distort something so beautiful and potentially beneficial like eugenics? we've seen what eugenics can do for us so why do we have to take it too far and open up the floodgates? just like nuclear energy. it has so many possibilities as the 'fuel of tomorrow' but we have to think up of nuclear weapons and use the atomic bomb on japan in '65. our appetite for power and progress is insatiable, so much so that we paradoxically result in the destruction of ourselves.
we are our worst enemy.