Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

February 28, 2008

hoppity hop hop

its a leap year.

i have nothing intelligent to say.

just wanted to have a post on this rare date.


February 21, 2008

because kit cannot read about me eating that fairy fart thing

november 24th... that was the last time i posted. 2007 no less.

so before i forget:

merry christmas!!!
happy new year!!!

now that's out of my system...

i dont know what to write about anymore. i'm trying my darndest not to make this blog into a diary of updates, events and just day to day activity. i hate reading those blogs... i mean who cares if you're really busy/tired or if you have many exciting things coming up? it's such a bore reading about shit like that.

but then comes the problem of what to write about. i guess, if i think about it, there are many things i wanna/should talk about, many opinions to voice out and things to say but on the other hand, i just cannot be bothered to put them all out here. i know i should and i want to but.... ergh. (these one word exclamations are so helpful no?)

so what exactly is this post in particular about?

it's dedicated to kit.
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