Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

May 30, 2007


i've submitted all the necessary moe scholarship forms, the confirmation letter for the usp and the application for accomodation at pgpr.

all my admin work done.

i hope to god that everything goes smoothly and that they dont bug me again anytime soon.

May 24, 2007


i just had a really good conversation on msn with a friend from army. (for the record, i hate branding this group of guys as army friends but unfortunately that's essentially how i met most of them). it made me think of all the fun and stupid times we had doing, well... fun and stupid things.

as much as the army sucked (and i have to say it sucked in so many ways it's unbelievable) i guess if there's one thing i took away from the whole experience was the people i met and the time i spent with them. unfortunately it's just so darn difficult sometimes to find time (among other things) to meet them again and keep the whole thing going.

May 23, 2007

wham bam, thank you ma'am

i finally got the scholarship details, though i have to admit that now when i see it, i wish i hadn't. there's just so many things to do with it. fill up this form, send in that form, attach that form with this form... everything's suddenly on my lap and i have to do it asap.

like for example they need me to go for a medical checkup by this week at parkway. and considering that i have work and classes on thurs and fri, this makes the only possible day tomorrow. so i have to call work up bright and early tomorrow and tell them i have to take half day off to settle this. plus, what's so darn inconvenient is that it's in the afternoon.

and as salt to the gaping wound, the nus package came together with it which also had its own little worries tagged onto it, though i have to admit that it's relatively much simpler to handle considering i've done most of what's required of me.

i really detest handling all this red tape. so irritating to transit from a period of lull and carefree-ness to one of frantic rush and hurry. but i guess this is totally unavoidable and all this amounts to nothing but pure unproductive ranting.

May 18, 2007

the unholy trinity

yes, that's what i had. the dreaded unholy trinity. fever, cough and flu. the past 2 days have been horrid. body aches, chills, plus all the other minions of the trinity. you name it, i had it.

thankfully though, the fever's gone, so i know the worst is behind me. now its just down to the dastardly duo. even so, i'm not taking any chances. plenty of fluids, rest, no fried food... the whole sh-bang.

i forgot how horrible it feels to be sick.

May 13, 2007

popcorn or grapes?

summer's here. well, technically it never really left singapore, but i'm referring to summer in the states and that means a whole load of movies to watch.

1. spiderman 3, already in cinemas (i just watch this. it was a pretty alright show, though i have to say that the last part reeked of female subjugation.)

2. pirates of the carribean, 24th may
(i'm so freaking excited about this show. the trailer was awesome and i cant wait to see captain jack sparrow again. even talking about it makes me want to jump up and down.)

3. shrek 3, 31st may
(another one i'm pretty excited about.)

4. fantastic 4, 14th june
(to be honest, compared to the rest this takes a back seat. but i still do want to watch this.)

5. oceans 13, june
(oceans 11 and 12 were hilarious and smart. 13's got to be better.)

6. harry potter, july
(this show speaks for itself. i hope that this time, not much is cut out and they stay true to the story, though i'm probably hoping for too much.)

7. simpsons the movie, july
(i'm just curious about this one.)

one down, six to go...

May 12, 2007


been a while since i last blogged. actually it's only been about 2 weeks which is the norm frequency when i'm busy. but the past two weeks seemed like forever. i dont know, but for me, this month is one of those months that take their time to tick every second, as if there's something in it, only you know better and you want to scream at the clock for being so naïve.

work's been rather hectic. with the exams, it's been really tiring revising and drilling. plus with so many classes it can become quite repititive.

teach, revise, assess, mark, go through, rinse and repeat.

in fact, i told the bosses that i plan to break my contract, initially scheduled to end at the end of july. i'm ending at the end of june now. a full one month to rest, relax and revise before the next stage of my life starts.

i know i'm kinda coming across as making my work sound horrible but work has been really wonderful albeit very tiring. i'm going to miss most of my classes and especially my collegues, who have become really fun friends.

and if you've been vigilant enough, you'll notice a countdown timer thingy at the sidebar. (thank you alvin).

seems like were always counting something down, waiting for something else to begin.
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