had carrer talks today. i signed up for the talk on teaching; NIE talk. after i came out i was so confused. i mean the teaching process and 'coporate-ladder' was simple enough to understand. but there was this other thing.
medical school.
there was this booth about aussie universities and when i saw the criteria for enrolment into medical school, i was kinda shocked. it was kinda easy to get in. so herein lies the confusion. do i go abroad to study medicine or do i continue with what i want to do? its damn expensive to do meidcine abroad, about S$60000. the world is also so tumultuous nowadays that its just so scary to spend 6 years in another country that was once anti-asian.
i talked to my mother about it and she was supportive and stuff. she said that she was worried about me going overseas but she would support if i wanted to. good eh?
but after much contemplation, i decided to pursue my education in s'pore and not go overseas yet. maybe for my masters i'll go overseas because i do want to experience life out of singapore.
but because its so easy to get into aussie's medical schools, i have alot of what ifs in my head. what if i could have been a wonderful doctor? what if i could have been a brilliant surgeon? what if what if what if...
its so difficult. for now, i'll just try to get that 4 'A's that i wanna (and its not easy mind you). hopefully i'll enter s'pore's medical school if i get in. if not, i wont be disappointed in the least. i'll gladly take up some bio course and do it till honours (together with psychology or sociology as a minor, havent decided) before entering NIE and start my teaching carrer. later in life, then only will i go abroad to pursue masters. (see how lah ah?).
still a long way to go.
medical school.
there was this booth about aussie universities and when i saw the criteria for enrolment into medical school, i was kinda shocked. it was kinda easy to get in. so herein lies the confusion. do i go abroad to study medicine or do i continue with what i want to do? its damn expensive to do meidcine abroad, about S$60000. the world is also so tumultuous nowadays that its just so scary to spend 6 years in another country that was once anti-asian.
i talked to my mother about it and she was supportive and stuff. she said that she was worried about me going overseas but she would support if i wanted to. good eh?
but after much contemplation, i decided to pursue my education in s'pore and not go overseas yet. maybe for my masters i'll go overseas because i do want to experience life out of singapore.
but because its so easy to get into aussie's medical schools, i have alot of what ifs in my head. what if i could have been a wonderful doctor? what if i could have been a brilliant surgeon? what if what if what if...
its so difficult. for now, i'll just try to get that 4 'A's that i wanna (and its not easy mind you). hopefully i'll enter s'pore's medical school if i get in. if not, i wont be disappointed in the least. i'll gladly take up some bio course and do it till honours (together with psychology or sociology as a minor, havent decided) before entering NIE and start my teaching carrer. later in life, then only will i go abroad to pursue masters. (see how lah ah?).
still a long way to go.