Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

July 09, 2009

mr k.

so i turned 23... nothing else is going to be said about this topic.

started my teaching attachment a couple of days back. all i have to say is that it is SO TIRING, partly because i have short + sweet the entire week this week, which means me waking up at 6am and only returning home at 11pm and then doing it all over again. but i really really enjoy it.

today i sat in the class i'll be teaching next week and man are they going to be a handful. they're loud, talkative, lazy, not motivated and a bunch of smart-asses generally. but for next week they are going to be my smart-asses.... and i am really looking forward to it.

their usual bio teacher, the one i'm mentoring essentially, is AMAZING. she handles it like a pro and gets whatever she needs done despite all the crap that is thrown her way. its really fantastic to see how she twist and turns her way around her students and how she handles them and eventually get the job done. a real pro. a real demanding pro though, so i am a little bit nervous at the same time. hope it goes well and i dont get swallowed by a class of 40 notorious kids.

short + sweet has been so tiring. i will probably never do this again unless the company and/or script is amazing. the first show was yesterday and it was good and all, but i really dont think we're top two material. and if we get it, it'll just be because the others overshot their 10:29 timing and were disqualified. i really dont wanna get in though.... such an incredible amount of energy is required and i really want to get this over and done with asap so that i can concentrate on the attachment and hanging out with ank, who leaving for prague on like the 17th. not been seing much of her lately and really wanna hang out with her as much as i can. when school starts we'll be busy-ish and before you know it it's the exams. after that, she's off to india and im going on exchange. we wont be on the same continent for about 7 months, missing both our 6th and 1-year anniversary. i keep thinking that we might not survive that pseudo long-dist thing, for whatever stupid reason that i choose to torture myself with, but god im not going to let that happen.
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