i have been such a busy little bee it aint funny.
assignments are piling up (though i have to say that after this week i shall be rid of most of them), the finals are coming (3 damn papers to plough through) and of course camp to plan. terribly busy i am/have been/will be for coming months.
thankfully though saving grace (i.e. the musical that i was involved in) is over.
i thought i would be super overjoyed once it was all done and over with, but i was totally sad. and i didnt see this emotion coming at all. relief, yes; happiness, definitely; but never sad. and yet that's what i felt. plus, more than anything, it was the people i missed.
i made many friends and bettered a few relationships during the whole (tediously annoying) process of productions. though we complained like old ladies everytime we had rehearsals it was nice to all come together and have fun over a silly script and songs, some of which are fantastic. and of course to bitch like there was no tomorrow.
i guess it's normal to suffer from shit like that after investing so much time and effort into the whole thing and after spending almost all your free time with these people. you seem lost after a while and try to get your life back on track.
well i guess i have camp to look forward to since i'm gonna work with these people all over again.
oh oh oh!!!
i'm applying to go to the himalayas next month. it's a biodiversity trip and students get to explore the wildlife and the diversity there. how cool is it to study biodiversity all the way in the fantastic and scenic himalayas? i do hope i get it; only 20 slots and i'm sure its very popular.
ah well... little baby steps... first things first, finals.
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