Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

April 18, 2007

oh joy

i dont know if any of you have noticed but i have been pretty bumbed out since last week because i thought i was passed up for an interview with the university scholars programme (just a fancy shmancy name for a programme in nus i'm really interested in). when i reached home from work today (and almost every other day for the past week) and checked the mail, it was what it had been for the past few days: empty. i figured that they thought my admissions essay was a totally load of crap and i was just shoved into a corner, rejected.

a really discomforting feeling of familiarity...

however, i was wrong! the letter was lying on my desk when i reached home, screaming to be savagely torn open and read and re-read.

i got it! well it isn't actually it it, but it is the next step to getting there. the interview's scheduled for the 28th of april at 9 (freaking) am (all the damn way) at nus. i'm was so thrilled when i got the letter that i actually leapt like a school girl.

time to (hopefully) razzle and dazzle em'.
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