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February 14, 2007

thine sweet searing arrow

valentine's day is here once again its time for an obligatory post on love, the lack of it or anything in between.

sometimes in my life i wonder why i'm not the guy that's girl crazy. i'm sure you all know what kind of guy i'm talking about: the one who pines for a female companion and whines incessently for a girlfriend when single and probably even when attached. the one who seemingly will die without one and will go all out to look for one as if his very molecules depend on the existence of another.

sure love is great. the countless poets and romantics who have written volumes on love were all right. and i cant agree any less even after my first experience with love left a lingering bittersweet taste. but, like i said, i have never actually gone out to search for the one, or to be more precise, that one that seekers believe is the one.

the main reason why i've never really been that kinda guy's probably because of my friends. the friends that i have are god-sends and that's probably why i never really felt empty or yearnful. sure sometimes i do think about that one gal, but it's never really that often and i never act on it. i guess i've filled the need-a-girlfriend-hole with something else.

(plus being a cynic sure doesnt help)

i just cant help wondering if that's a good thing or not.
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