Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

December 22, 2006

sturm und drang

carolling has been extremely fun, but definitely not without its tumultuous moments and lethargy. practice frequency went up a notch as the dates got closer and it just became more and more taxing though strangely enjoyable and invigorating.

we sang at tampines safra last saturday and even though i would like to say that we did well and were in tune and in perfect harmony and synchrony with one another, i have to admit that the performance was bodering on terrible. we were totally off in so many songs that it was amazing that people were still there.

thankfully though, life usually compensates.

on the following monday, we were to perform for a poolside christmas function catered for a large amount of guests at the swissotel. thankfully/unfortunately (i couldnt decide), only 20-30 people were present and it was raining. but we sang much much much better than we did at safra. we actually sounded kinda nice and the audience was throughly appreciative. plus, due to the measly turn out for the christmas reception, there was food left over which was promptly siphoned over to us.

work also has been picking up in pace though ironically, i'm getting used to the lifestyle. time seems to go by really quickly when i'm at work and classes seem to end almost as soon as i begin. i'm also starting to get the hang of teaching english, though i'd be more than happy to take on a few science classes.

i cant wait for christmas. it's gonna be so much fun. i never realised how much i missed all this. all the stess and turmoil of life and deadlines, all the drama at work and everywhere else. i think i'm one of those people that probably thrive when pushed. i cant wait for the semester to begin.
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