Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

July 02, 2006

the mediocrity of my existence this past few days was finally and most thankfully put to an end.

my day started at 9 freaking am. considering that it's a saturday, it was just way to early but i had to get up to fix breakfast for my younger brother. irritating and uncharacteristically domestic. i really wanted to go back to sleep but i just couldnt. i'm sure you know how it's like; you're so sleepy one moment and after completing some (tiresome) chore that needed you to get up so early for in the first place, you're good for the whole day. a twisted biological function if you ask me.

after lunch i went to the national library, wanting to read up on the concept of irony and its uses, purely for the sake of interest. i know, it is a tad nerdy but that's me, what else is freaking new? so i found the book, simply entitled irony by catherine something-or-the-other, and settled nicely on the carpeted floor against a wall. soon enough, because of the lack of sleep, the words became blurry and sentences, incoherent. nothing was going in my head after a while and not wanting to doze off in the library with book in hand, therby, ironically, becoming a victim of the literature i was perusing, i went down to the fiction section, borrowed beckett's waiting for godot and was outta there.

was suppose to meet kit and mel in town but with ammendments made, i only met up with kit back at tampines. so i had to travel all the way back and reached early, spending the extra hour or so at starbucks.

it was so great just lazing and reading at the coffee house. the wind was blowing, people were scurrying by and there i was, just sitting and reading a good book and sipping coffee. it felt good. a definite must thing to do (and make habit) to unwind and relax when army is over and done with.

met kit, went to vientai for dinner. nothing much to report there except that the food was good and we ate plenty. kit became slightly high after dessert. and here i thought sugar high was a myth. we became really bored after the pig-out and came up with half-baked weird-ass ideas to have fun. we finally decided to head on down to fisherman's village to just drink.

we spent the rest of the night drinking and just having fun. on the way back, as we were walking through pasir ris park, i took out my mp3 and we started singing out loud, mostly songs from the moulin rouge and carols. i'm afraid to report that we massacred some parts of it with our blithe singing but it was damn fun to just let go and not care. we sang, sang, sang and sang till we were finally home.

it was fantastic to be spontaneous and care-free. it made me really impatient with the remaining months i have with the army and all the responsibilities that i have. we have to do it again someday woman. we can butcher more songs and frighten more people.
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