Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

July 26, 2006

i was on yahoo answers just browsing when i came across this question and an answer to the question that i felt was really good.

the question: if you were god for 1 day, 24 hours, what will you do with it?

the answer: my first hour as god, i would end world hunger, redistribute the world's wealth, and kill all despots and hatemongers throughout the world.

the second hour, i would cry after seeing the same peoples who had starved before, begin to starve again; and i'd cry after the same people who had the wealth and power before, reclaimed it, i would also cry when despots and demagogues found new ways to appeal to the people Ii had washed free of hate.

the 3rd hour, i would recreate the earth's geography so that every continent had the exact same geography and natural resources, that way no group of nations could once again control the distribution of food and wealth, i would also erase all differences in humanity, so there would be absolutely no racial, linguistic, sexual preference or religious differences that might inspire hate or conflict.

i would then spend the 4th hour wondering why there were no more poets, artists, monsters of ingenuity, great lovers, or great leaders, revolutionaries, visionaries, or great teachers.

the last hour of my ominpotent reign would be spent undoing all that I had done, restoring it to its original state, and lastly, writing a painful letter of resignation.

isnt this a powerful answer? i love it.
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