Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

July 13, 2006

gosh, i've been on a dry spell havent i? convalescing's been mostly uneventful.

nat did come back though and we went out a few times. we sat on that dhl balloon thing down at bugis junction too. it went like 150m up and the view was really great. you could've seen the bayshore from where we were when we were all the way up. nat was half afraid that i would freak out or faint or something when we were up there because of my fear of heights but it was smooth sailing.

the whole bunch of us also went out to celebrate my birthday last saturday i think. we ate at outback and went down to this place at the esplanade for drinks. simple and fun. after which i stayed over at darius' place to watch the 3rd place match between germany and portugal but i fell straight to sleep on his freaking couch and only watched about 6 mins of the match. pathetic.

i applied to uni of melbourne for medicine last week. my parents have always been pestering me to apply to foreign universities and i always told them no because it would just cost too much and i dont want to risk everything. it seemed so unsafe and reckless at that time. but last tuesday, i decided to just do it, else i'll forever be having what-ifs and lingering questions stuck in my head, and i really really dont want regrets.

i decided between uwa and umelb, both of the university medical programmes were very appealing compared to the rest. unfortunately uwa's application had closed. so umelb was my only choice which wasnt too bad. results of my application will come in in november, so it's still about 3 months away.

sometimes i still feel unsure and that i shouldnt do this. if i stay in singapore, my university studies will be fully paid for by moe because of the scholarship and my parents dont have to fork out much, or anything at all. my career will be all set and i'll be teaching in about 5 years. all nicely laid out and all i have to do is follow the yellow brick road. but if i go abroad, they have to spend much more, and i HAVE to do well. i'll be basically on my own, which has its ups and downs. and medicine is going to be severly demanding. questions mixed with a whole lot of doubt with no answers.

but i really want to do this. i think i'll be fine in terms of a social life (which is much needed by the way considering that it's a 6 year course) and monetarily. i know i can study. i may be a tad bit rusty because of the army but damn it, my a level results didnt just come out of my ass.

i can do this. right?
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