Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

April 02, 2006

you know what? i have a problem with indians. now now. if you fall under the i'm-indian category and have taken insult to my statement, relax and hear me out.

i have a problem with indian girls.

i'm fine with them on a one-on-one basis and hell, i'm fine with a whole group if i know them. i'm taking about the group of anonymous indian girls that just love to stare at you from afar as you walk past. they just stare, no matter what you're doing. shopping, strolling, with friends, having dinner... they just s t a r e.

and the weird thing is, they dont do it when they're by themselves, only in groups. then they start the whispering. what the hell are they taking about? you start feeling self conscious. you just wanna get the hell away from there. so you walk the hell away from those prying evil indian eyes.

now what's up with that!? why the hell are you looking at me? do i have something on my face? is what i'm wearing weird? i know i'm not a fancy-pancy dresser and play dress-up where ever i go but c'mon, i'm not in rags! is my fly undone? is my shirt stained? what is it? tell me!!!

now i'm not tooting my own horn or anything here. it's just genuinely irritaing when a flock of girls just keep staring at you and you feel like you're some freakshow on display.

cant you find anything else to look at?
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