Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

April 11, 2006

probably one of the reasons i like science and math so much is because its so simple. no, not your everyday version of simple, but it's just less complicated.

definitions, theories and experiments are clear and there can be no argument about it being anything else. most of it are in-you-face facts that cannot be disputed and leave no room for other possible hypothesis. it just is and you have to accept it, whether you like it or not or even if it just doesnt make sense to you, because on some level it actually does.

they are so different from the arts where almost anything goes. one view is no more wrong or correct than the other. everything is accepted as long as it is adequately substatiated. it so much more less simple. there is always two (or more) ways about it and individualism is often emphasised whether directly or otherwise.

dont get me wrong, i love participating in debates about issues and expressing oneself but wouldnt it be easier to just be simpler?
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