if you took time to read last saturday's newspaper last saturday, let me just say that you have no life. other than that you would have probably read the article on sex amongst teens and the rise in the rates of pre-marital sex. the arti cle, unlike the usual sex vs no sex, states and acknowledges the fact that teen sex in singapore is on the rise together with the number of teens with STDs (the horror). it instead argues about the validity of the way sex education is taught.
the stance that schools take, according to the article, is pro-abstinence; all they teach is the beauty of sex with ones spouse upon marriage, how special it is, how pre-marital sex can lead to alot of problems... that kinda thing. it doesnt mention anything about usage and the kinds ocontraception available. they believe that the introduction of contraception will jeopardize morals and what they stand for. to them its as good as telling someone not to steal but if one must steal, do not get caught.
the people on the other extreme say that they cannot ignore the fact that teens are having sex. they state that they should provide proper education regarding contraceptives so teens who are curious know that they have ways of protecting themselves against unwanted pregnancies and STDs. they do not totally bring down abstinence but believe that they should keep up with the times and be as open as teens are. avoiding the issue will not help those that are sexually active.
i, to be totally honest, am not against pre-marital sex. if it happens it happens. but the person has to be responsible. hence, knowledge of contraceptives. you have to know how to use a condom at least man. parents have to understand that just advocating abstinence alone may not be enough in this time an age for some teenagers. by all means try to drive that messgae home with your teens but hey, people have to stop being so idealistic. you cant exepct all teens to just follow in the footsteps of their parents. they've got to know the basics at least.
another obstacle is the parents themselves. many of them cannot bring to 'talk-sex' with their kids. its just not done (and i so agree on that point. shudders). many parents also believe that just because they dont discuss about the birds and bees with their kids, they are as ignorant as the day they were born. (which is really stupid of them i tell you). they really have to get over all this and understand that they world isnt what it used to be and its only going to get weirder. we're not stupid. we have our ways.
the bottom line is, its not enough.
the stance that schools take, according to the article, is pro-abstinence; all they teach is the beauty of sex with ones spouse upon marriage, how special it is, how pre-marital sex can lead to alot of problems... that kinda thing. it doesnt mention anything about usage and the kinds ocontraception available. they believe that the introduction of contraception will jeopardize morals and what they stand for. to them its as good as telling someone not to steal but if one must steal, do not get caught.
the people on the other extreme say that they cannot ignore the fact that teens are having sex. they state that they should provide proper education regarding contraceptives so teens who are curious know that they have ways of protecting themselves against unwanted pregnancies and STDs. they do not totally bring down abstinence but believe that they should keep up with the times and be as open as teens are. avoiding the issue will not help those that are sexually active.
i, to be totally honest, am not against pre-marital sex. if it happens it happens. but the person has to be responsible. hence, knowledge of contraceptives. you have to know how to use a condom at least man. parents have to understand that just advocating abstinence alone may not be enough in this time an age for some teenagers. by all means try to drive that messgae home with your teens but hey, people have to stop being so idealistic. you cant exepct all teens to just follow in the footsteps of their parents. they've got to know the basics at least.
another obstacle is the parents themselves. many of them cannot bring to 'talk-sex' with their kids. its just not done (and i so agree on that point. shudders). many parents also believe that just because they dont discuss about the birds and bees with their kids, they are as ignorant as the day they were born. (which is really stupid of them i tell you). they really have to get over all this and understand that they world isnt what it used to be and its only going to get weirder. we're not stupid. we have our ways.
the bottom line is, its not enough.
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