Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

November 30, 2005

i have become (somewhat) hooked on wikipedia. i just think that the concept of an online encyclopedia where you, the user, can also play a role in forming and shaping the whole thing by adding on or editing certain articles that take your fancy is very unique and interesting. and the cool thing is that people actually gain knowledge and can acquire information all in one place (provided that the people that posted the article in question isnt posting shit or anything like it).

(i am so nerdy...
but i digress. )

i have even posted 2 articles; one on a sikh religous festival and the other on roger l. jackson (the guy who was the killer's voice in the scream trilogy. remember? coincidentally, he's also the voice of mojo jojo from the powerpuffs. now who would've thought eh?). dont get me wrong i didnt know these things beforehand. i was just reading random articles and there were some links in those articles that led to editing sites for the user to expand the encyclopedia. kinda like filling in the blanks. so with some research, typing and editing, articles are born.

even a tech-idiot like me can do it.
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