Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

September 23, 2005

you know those nodders on the mrt trains? yup, the very ones that have bloodshot eyes and somehow find the rhythmic sound of the train so relaxing that they immediately fall under its charms. the very folks that you hate to have to sit beside when the sedative effect starts taking place and they start nodding all over the place (and all over the poor people flanking them as well).

dont you just hate them all? especially so if they start nodding off in your direction. its fine if they wanna nod off in other directions and hey its damn funny, you've gotta admit that right? but when they start coming your way, its a whole different story. its especially irritating if they dont get up and regain some sort of consciousness after the very first jerk and continue their descent onto your well positioned shoulders. and when the buffoon finally lands, it suddenly becomes your problem. the tables are so swiftly turned that most of the time you have no time to react and you become the object of humour on the most embarrassing ride you've ever taken.

do you wake the ass up? do you hope he wakes himself up soon? do you nudge? do you pat? do you resist the temptation to slap? questions questions questions... the bottom line is it's irritating as hell, as i'm sure many of you will have to agree.

with that said and done, maybe these poor folks are just a tired lot, after a really bad day at work or school or prison or where ever the hell it is they come from looking so shagged. maybe they mean no harm and are really apologetic about the whole thing. they're just tired. and besides how many actually fall asleep on other people's shoulders? most usually just do the nodding off bit a lot and it stops there. no actually landing on the runway, if you know what i mean. maybe we should be more understanding eh?

nodders all over the world will appreciate this gesture. i know i will...
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