Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

June 04, 2005

i initially had plans for this evening but it all got blown to tiny little bits very suddenly. so to make the best of my friday (or what was left of it), i decided to watch the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

the movie is incredibly funny. it has weird characters, witty british comedy and is strangely interesting. but what i like most about the movie (and the book for that matter) is its incredible capability to stretch one's imagination.

to appreciate this movie, where things move pretty fast (from pints, to the apocolypse, to vorgons, to improbability, to the whole weirdness of it all) and things get so unbelivable, it just forces you to think beyond rational thought and that to me makes it all the more fantstic.

the science-y part about it intrigues me more, even though i think its utter rubbish. i mean c'mon, an improbability machine? sure the thought of it is highly fascinating and if it exists.. wow.

even if you dont like the science-y bits, dont worry. the guide itself is protrayed in the movie, explaining stuff and all as you go along, in an extremely witty and humorous way. this show is a must watch.
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