Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

May 10, 2005

there are so many different kinda songs; the ones you love, the ones you hate, the ones that have special meaning to you, the ones you simply cannot understand why people actually bother listening to, the ones which make no sense, the ones which have no lyrics, the headbangers, the hipshakers, the groovemakers...

then there are the ones that remind you of certain people. you have no idea why this happened or why this song or how long this relationship between song and person will last or if it'll just die out tomorrow.

but when its there, its excrutiating, especially when the person is no longer there. you just wanna turn away from the music, shut your ears or just change the station but you cant bring yourself to do so.

you start feeling all shitty, listening to the lyrics word for word. then, as ineveitable as dawn will come, you start missing this person.

it sucks.
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