Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

April 09, 2005

went to see the specialist today at cgh, and boy did i get news.

after furiously playing around with my knee area (i mean this guy was just reckless. i told him to take it down a notch cause it hurt but he just told me to relax. sheesh... that's as good as telling me to relax while a hyena's just chomping down on my flesh) and a more detailed x-ray, he came to this conclusion:

my left patella (knee bone) is slightly tilted due to irregular muscle formation around that area. and because of this displacement, the bone is resting on my tendons causing pain whenever i bend it or do anything that requires my knee to bend like running, sitting cross-legged, marching and sometimes walking.

and get this, if physiotherapy doesnt make this better i might have to go for corrective surgery or risk this problem getting worse and have difficulty doing lower limb stuff for a really long time.

when he told me this i couldnt believe it. here i was just thinking that it was some tendon sore or something and there he is telling me that i might have to be cut open. even thinking about it makes me sick.

and again when he saw my mouth hanging with shock he told me to (surprise surprise) relax, and that its not serious.
the hyena's gnawing again...
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