Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

February 08, 2005

hey all.

field camp (i.e. a 7 day 'outing' in the jungles of tekong where you make friends with dirt, sandflies and mosquitoes) was freaking interesting in a weird way. it wasnt bad, it was actually kinda fun even though it was horribly tiring. the rations sucked of course. it is so bad, even somalians will recoil in fear. but what could i do but just force it all down. thank god we had fresh rations twice.

the worse day would probably have to be the last day. we had to dig a shell-scrape (sorta like a grave deep enough for you to lie in). it was absolutely horrible. i was so freaking tired that i felt like throwing the shovel thing away and just give up. it was bad. but i did finish it; sure it wasnt perfect but as long as it's fine by the superiors it's fine by me.

did guard duty twice while i was in field camp too. the first night wasnt that bad, the second time however was freaky. the second time i did it, it was at the place where we dug our own graves. the place is seriously freaky. you get that something-is-so-following-me feeling with every step you take but you just dont dare turn around to look. thank goodness we did it in pairs.

i also threw a live granade. oh my god that was scary and super fun at the same time. the explosion is so fierce that the concrete wall i was behind actually moved. fantastic.

so far army's alright i guess. one month has zoomed passed already. fast huh? all i have is one more month and then i'll be outta bmt. sure sure i still have 21 more months before i can actually consider myself free, but hey step by step.

on a totally different note...

i hate the chinese new year period. everything just closes and i have no where to go. i cant even buy stuff that i want. this is stupid. they should just keep everything open, i'm sure some companies can employ malay or indian workers right? .

what is this poor indian boy suppose to do.

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