Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

October 13, 2004

why do you keep staring at me?

anyone who knows me well enough will know that i dont really like indians.
now dont get me wrong, i'm not racist. considering that i myself am one its kinda impossible to be racist like that.
perhaps an example will help:

i was with bro, making our way to the shop to get some stuff this evening and there was this mother and adolescent daughter pair walking in the opposite direction.
they kept eyeing me up and down.
i had this feeling that the mother was measuring me up, to see if i were good enough for her daughter or something.
and the daughter... goodness, you had to be there.

so yea i dislike these kind of indians. they are irritaing and you cant help but feel uncomfortable.
you just wanna look straight and them when they're staring at you and pick your nose for all its worth just to gross them out.

also in school, why do the indians have to go in groups?
why do they have to speak loudly, why do they have to all play cricket and remind each other that its india's independence day when they shouldnt give shit because they're s'poreans?

when the guys sit together, all you have to do is give them dhotis, let them grow moustaches each and serve tea in small glass cups to get a mini tekka.

and thats just the guys.
the gals are equally bad.

in secondary school, i only had 2 good indian friends, and one of them was half chinese. so you can imagine how new it must have been for me when i came to jc, where the number of indians suddenly shot up.
i felt uncomfortable.
everywhere i went, i kept getting stares and because i didnt give any, i felt so self-conscious.
the girls especially, for some god damn reason, cannot keep their eyes to themselves.
(and kit, dont you dare put some lame comment about how they did that cos they were checking me out or crap like that. cos they were not. dont make this worse than it already is. lol.)
it happened again in school today, two bimbotic j1s.


again i like to emphasis that i am not a racist. i have good indian friends and yea most i know are great.
this is just for the ones out there whose eyes are everywhere except to the front its amazing they can walk straight at all.
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