Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

October 28, 2004

went out for sushi with kit, daph and daph's sis.
daph ran late and so kit and i went in first to get a table before the mob of hungry japanese-food craving people come and steal all our delicious food away.
so yea we went in and guess what? my class guys were all there.
as kit would say, it was scandalous. lol.
i hope they dont think further than necessary. i mean c'mon, kit and me?
lets just say that feminism aint my cuppa tea. ;)

anyway, daph came and we got down to eating. yum yum yum.
sushi is great man. and the tofu and the squid ball thingies. oh man.
we did the usual i guess; ate, talked, ate, talked, laughed, talked, ate.

its great that daph and i, no matter how long we've havent seen each other, are still able to talk about anything and everything like we used to back in secondary school. and i still can make her laugh like a jammed car horn. lol.
thank god our paths crossed.
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