Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

October 21, 2004

so i told my parents about my enlistment date and stuff late last night.

dad, well, to put it plainly, didnt put much thought into it. well, i dont blame him. he's been through the shit himself so why the hell should he bother.
bro, well, he's nine.

now for the females...

now for mom, she was more sad than anything. kinda expected now isnt it?
well i think its a good thing for her. at least she'll finally learn how to let this big boy out into the nasty world all on his own. indirectly this is good for me too. more late nights and crazy amounts of freedom, which i've earned mind you.

for my sis, a whole different story.
she was like this:
'Oh My God! youre going to the army' laughs hysterically 'oh my god oh my god!! let me see the letter!! oh my god. its true! youre going to the army! oh my god!' tells friend on the phone 'guess what!? my brother's going to the army, 7th january! oh my god!' back to me 'oh my god oh my god!'

sheesh. talk about over-reacting.
it was like she was in pain.
i didnt know if i should call a priest, slap her or do what sash would probably have done ie point and laugh.
so i did none of the above, i just stood there and well, let it pass.
freakish woman.

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