Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

October 05, 2004

havent been blogging much now have i?
its been study study study all this week so far (and probably for the rest of this week as well).
at least i have friday to look forward to, kenny rogers... drools

well today was just like any other day. (i cant wait to stop saying that).
went to starbuck to mug, met jamie who provided mild momentary entertainment, and it was back to mugging.

i sat at one of those one seater things and i was facing the outside so i had quite a good view of people walking up and down, all busy and totally caught up in their own little world.
there was this one particular man, old, about 60-ish.
he sat outside the coffee house on one of those green starbucks chairs and had with him 2 cans of beer.
as he drank his beer, he tilted the can too far to his mouth and some of it spilled out and onto his shirt. the thing is he didnt realise after only about 4 seconds.
so the shirt was stained bad.
why the delay? i dont think he felt the beer on his skin thorugh his shirt.
also when he tried to open the second can, the look on his face was like he was about to have a hernia.

aging is freaky. i dont mean the people, just the stuff that happens to you; things like difficulty in opening a can and delayed responses and god knows what else that poor man is being subjected to.
i know that i too will age someday, look grey and wrinkly and lose my good looks (lol). i just hope that it wont be that tough of a time to deal with.

can you imagine, one moment i'm trying to open a can and the next, i'm in the hospital for busting a nut.
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