Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

October 19, 2004

great, i'm screwed.

its 2.52 am and i'm blogging away because i cant sleep. (plus its raining; thats a good thing by the way.)
i've been studying late into the night so often now that my body clock has gone all wrong; i can only sleep at about 3.30 - 4 am.
sure this may seem as harmless as any little thing, and it probably would be given any other circumstances, but its not.
if this continues, its not going to be good for the exams, and bio prac's this thurs.
sheesh, thats the day after tomorrow, cos its now 2.57 am tuesday, and i'm still awake!

note to self: readjust body clock.
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