Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

August 15, 2004

yesterday, at 3.45am i was made happy by a simple phone call.
cassie was high, really high, after she came back from partying with neeta.
she called and was totally wasted.
we talked till about 5 plus.
she basically showered me with praises (and i dont take well to em, i just feel weird).
she said i was a good kisser, that my voice on the phone was nice, comforting. (beams)
and she said that her archives on her phone is full cos its full of my sms.
sure it felt good, but she was high you see.
she asked me if i regret what we did.
obviously i said no. she also said that neeta and nat both felt that there'll be a part 3 to our 'relationship'.
i dont remember what i said exactly.
she told me of what she did in clubs and well i just got a serious case of jealously.
this is irritating.
she said more, i'm sure of it.
i only wished i remembered.

yesterday i got high.
the irony of it all.
after sending mel home i called her, i just needed to hear her voice i guess.
basically i dont remember much of what i said, but i asked her about part 3.
she said that she'd try her best not to let that happen, using words like cant and shouldnt.
why? why cant shouldnt it happen?
it pissed me of but i felt so sad that i said night and went to sleep.

my life sucks.
i have no idea where we are, or even if i should be saying that at all. i feel so mixed up. i wish she could just be brutally honest. it would be hard but at least blows wont come frequently no more.
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