Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

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August 23, 2004

the olympics.
its finally return back to athens and yea, because of that i understand why this year's is such a great deal.
but must they really show every single event on telly. i mean its uber frustrating.
not only have they stopped showing my fav shows, like alias, buffy, csi..., now there's nothing but men/women in tights everytime i switch it on.
i'm surviving on weird shows on cable. (okay well the cable shows are not that bad. i'm just trying to make a point here).
i mean they're braodcasting the god damn event over 6 channels, why must they pick on ch5 at 11 plus plus when all the good shows come out to air their asses on tv?
i cant wait for the whole event to be over and done with.
i need my shows back.
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