cartoons, friend or foe.
i'm eighteen (beams) and i still watch cartoons (deflates).
i'm not ashamed of it or anything but i just cant get enough of em.
most teenagers with cable would usually watch mtv and stuff like that, but not me.
when i get the tv, i usually flip between two channels, cartoon network and s'pore's ch5.
why? i really havent the faintest clue.
i just love cartoons. and its not those tom and jerry mindless cartoons.
they have definitely evolved.
cartoons now have more depth and well, its definitely more interesting.
anyone know samurai jack? if you dont, i've helped you out with a visual below.
thats a fine example of cartoons 'maturing'.
the plot is cool, the moves that jack pulls of are fantastic and the adventures he has are creative and exciting.
another fantastic cartoon is sheep in the big city.
the name does ring a bell, doesnt it? (for the chaste, i referring to sex and the city).
the show is great and has plenty of adult humour. (not sex, others).
even the powerpuff girls have political humour.
surely these shows are no longer solely for the viewing pleasures of the young.
or is it just that the young are growing up too fast.
in that case then, the phrase i used earlier, 'cartoons have certainly evolved', mean something else entirely.
whatever the case, i'm definitely for cartoons.
speaking of which sheep in the big city is starting soon...
i'm eighteen (beams) and i still watch cartoons (deflates).
i'm not ashamed of it or anything but i just cant get enough of em.
most teenagers with cable would usually watch mtv and stuff like that, but not me.
when i get the tv, i usually flip between two channels, cartoon network and s'pore's ch5.
why? i really havent the faintest clue.
i just love cartoons. and its not those tom and jerry mindless cartoons.
they have definitely evolved.
cartoons now have more depth and well, its definitely more interesting.
anyone know samurai jack? if you dont, i've helped you out with a visual below.
thats a fine example of cartoons 'maturing'.
the plot is cool, the moves that jack pulls of are fantastic and the adventures he has are creative and exciting.
another fantastic cartoon is sheep in the big city.
the name does ring a bell, doesnt it? (for the chaste, i referring to sex and the city).
the show is great and has plenty of adult humour. (not sex, others).
even the powerpuff girls have political humour.
surely these shows are no longer solely for the viewing pleasures of the young.
or is it just that the young are growing up too fast.
in that case then, the phrase i used earlier, 'cartoons have certainly evolved', mean something else entirely.
whatever the case, i'm definitely for cartoons.
speaking of which sheep in the big city is starting soon...

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