Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

April 09, 2004

usher is no. 1 on perfect 10 top 20! gross.
anyway, you'll never guess what i did yesterday!
heh, i donated blood!
yup me, the one that's scared of blood and needles and whose parents want me to be a doctor (tis' a strange world).
it was so cool! we had to fill up a weird questionnaire (questions about sex and stuff made up 80% of the whole thing).
then we tested our blood pressure and our blood for sufficient iron. to do that, the get some blood (a drop will do) and then they put it in a blue solution of copper(II) sulphate. if it sinks, youre a okay. but if it floats, REJECT! lol. you need more iron!
then we wait in this endless queue to get to the actual blood giving thingy. the anticipation was killer!
when i finally got there i was terrified! they first gave me a shot with anesthesia and then they inserted this (HUGE) needle of about 1mm in diameter into my (healthy and large) vein. it didnt hurt due to the anesthesia.
when the needle went in, my blood just flowed , no gushed out. lol. it filled up the 500ml bag in like 12 minutes. cool.
then they filled up four test tubes with my blood to test for diseases like HIV syphillis and stuff like that.
after that, they removed the needled and bandaged me up in a cool blue bandage. it was great!
the funny thing was was that i kept on laughing. from the moment i wan anesthesised to the time they bandaged me, i laughed and laughed and laughed. i dont even know why. it was just a tickling experience for me i guess. seesh, i'm weird.
cassie couldnt donate though cos her veins were too thin. she was quite disappointed with that but we're goin again on my birthday! heh
today, i went out ice skating! so fun. i went with kit, cassie, shu hui, jeremy and nat fernando. fun fun fun! i had so much fun. i'm getting better at ice skating. though i rammed into this girl once (i'm choosing to totally ignore that fact), i didnt fall down at all. lol.
after that we went to suntec's subway where i had a foot long! so yummy. and then i had yami yoghurt. fantastic. after that, we went to pacific cafe (where their motto is, 'the perfect cup'. stupid.) and chatted the aft away.
great day it was.
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