Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

March 09, 2004

interact week started this monday. we just finished the second day and i'm already feeling dead. i think i'm getting sick. only thing that's pushing me is the holidays. (3 more days, hold on just 3 more days. you can do it. push, push push). i need extreme r&r.
today, the principal gave a talk on admission criterion to uni. it boils down to the bloody same thing. just get str8 As and life will go as you please. so much for 'drastic changes in the education system'. seems the same to me, cept' malay and sats are no longer compulsory.
darn though, my sats would've pulled me up quite a bit. 1340 aint a bad score but still... maybe i'll retake the paper again and see if i can get any higher. then at least it'll mask my mediocre malay results (cos malay and sats go hand in hand).
desicions decisions.
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