Pop in a Quarter, Knock Yourself Out

Breathe in, Read, Breathe out.

March 18, 2004

dreamt of a fortune teller yesterday. she was talking about the kid i was going to have. she implied that by the time 1'm 28, i'll have a son. interesting isnt it?
but this must be baldderdash considering i feel asleep on reading thinner, a stephen king novel about gypsy fortune tellers. so there, it cant be true. 28? first son? me? heh. but what if eh?
anyway, watched haunted mansion. i really enjoyed myself. mixture of fun, fear and a good story line. but (there's always a but with me) the ending was extremely cheesy. god it was almost embarrassing to be watching the show at that point. lol. but hey i wont deny that the overall show was good. i like the 4 singing heads. other than their fantastic a cappella performance, i tot they were hilarious.
by the way, guess what? malay aint as gone as it seems yet in tpjc. we found out that we still have to attend the double period lessons every week (mine's on tuesday) where we play games or sit for interesting lessons conducted in our mother tongue. why? so that 'we do not lose our culture and still appreciate our mother tongue'.
reason: for every class, even though a double period lesson is once a week, it is at the end of the day; from about 3-4.30 or 3.45-5.15. if this stupid and utterly ridiculous proposal is taken away or was not put up in the first place then we dont need to stay back till so late playing silly games in our mt. we'd rather go home and spend time revising other subbies that matter for uni admission. its damn stupid and redundant. i'd rather they take up two single periods (which are in btw other lessons) than the double period.
this is so crappy.
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